A search engine is one of the most essential features of your Shopify store. It helps your customers find what they are looking for, discover new products, and make purchases. But not all search engines are created equal. You need an AI search engine that can understand your customers’ intent, preferences, and behavior. An AI search engine can also provide you with insights, recommendations, and analytics to improve your store performance. In this article, we will review some of the best AI search engines for Shopify and how they can help you grow your store.

Best AI search engine Shopify


PromptHero is a powerful tool for generating writing prompts, offering timed writing sessions, and connecting with a community of writers. With its focus on creativity and productivity, PromptHero is a great choice for anyone looking to overcome writer’s block and improve their writing skills.

Key features:

  • Writing prompt generator: PromptHero generates unique writing prompts to help you overcome writer’s block and stimulate your creativity.
  • Customizable prompts: You can customize your writing prompts by selecting the genre, tone, and other parameters to suit your preferences.
  • Timed writing sessions: PromptHero offers timed writing sessions to help you stay focused and productive, with the option to adjust the session length and receive reminders.

Pricing: $9/mo

Open Art

Openart is an AI image generator platform that helps artists, designers, writers, marketers, and game developers unlock their creative potential and push the boundaries of what’s possible in art.

Key features:

  • Personalized AI models: Openart offers the power of personalized AI models that can be trained on your own images to generate unique and creative results.
  • Inspiration and ideas: You can find inspiration and ideas on Openart’s site, which features millions of AI-generated images that can be searched by keywords or image links.
  • Training: You can train your own AI image generator using 10-20 photos of a style, character, or person, teaching the AI what you want and ideating with your own model.
  • Creation: Openart offers over 30 different AI image generators that can bring your ideas to life, whether you want photorealistic images, artistic pictures, or anime.
  • Editing: You can edit images effortlessly using Openart’s state-of-the-art technologies, including inpainting, to transform an image with just a few clicks.

Pricing: Free


Lexica is a team of researchers and engineers creating state-of-the-art AI tools that are intuitive, helpful, and magical for everyone to use.

Key features:

  • AI-first tools: Lexica believes in creating AI-first tools that are designed to be used by anyone, making AI accessible to everyone.
  • Intuitive, helpful, and magical: Lexica’s philosophy for crafting AI tools involves making them intuitive, helpful, and magical to create a powerful user experience that inspires awe and wonder.
  • Tight integration: Lexica’s tools involve a tight integration between the model’s unique capabilities and the end-user experience, focusing on the entire product vertical to create tools that are both powerful and simple to use.


YouChat is an AI-powered conversational search assistant developed by You.com that utilizes a language model developed by You.com. It’s designed to provide natural-sounding, accurate explanations, cited sources, and interactive apps on various topics.

Key features:

  • AI-powered: YouChat is powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning, allowing it to understand user intent and query and assist with a wide range of tasks.
  • Natural-sounding: YouChat provides natural-sounding responses that make it feel like you’re having a conversation with a human.
  • Interactive: YouChat provides interactive apps and cited sources to help users better understand the topic at hand.

Pricing: Free


PromptBase is a marketplace for buying and selling prompts for DALL·E, GPT, Stable Diffusion + Midjourney. Prompts are sentences of text that are fed into complex AI models to get a desired output, for example and image of a certain object in a certain style.

Key features:

  • Quality prompts: PromptBase offers a marketplace for buying and selling quality prompts that produce the best results for AI models, saving users money on API costs.
  • Marketplace for prompt engineering: PromptBase is an early marketplace for DALL·E, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, and GPT prompts, offering a platform for prompt engineering skills to be monetized.
  • Easy to sell: PromptBase makes it easy to sell prompts, with users able to upload their prompts, connect with Stripe, and become a seller in just 2 minutes.
  • Generate images: PromptBase allows users to generate images directly within the platform using Stable Diffusion, making prompt engineering faster and more efficient.


PromptBase takes a 20% fee which helps run the platform and offer services like support.


Civitai is a platform that makes it easy for people to share and discover resources for creating AI art. Our users can upload and share custom models that they’ve trained using their own data, or browse and download models created by other users. These models can then be used with AI art software to generate unique works of art.

Key features:

  • Custom models: Users can upload and share custom models that they’ve trained using their own data, or browse and download models created by other users.
  • Machine learning algorithms: Civitai uses machine learning algorithms to generate art or media in a particular style, including images, music, video, or other types of media.
  • Wide range of styles: Models can be trained to generate a wide range of styles, from photorealistic images to abstract patterns, and can be used to create art that is difficult or time-consuming for humans to produce manually.

Pricing: $5 per month


Perplexity AI is an AI-chat-based conversational search engine that delivers answers to questions using language models.

Key features:

  • Conversational search engine: Perplexity AI uses conversation to deliver answers to questions using language models, making it easy for users to get the information they need.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Perplexity AI uses artificial intelligence to provide large language models and search engines, enabling the development of beneficial artificial general intelligence.
  • Open-source environment: Perplexity AI provides an open-source environment that is accessible to the public, allowing clients to develop skills and knowledge in artificial intelligence.


Bing is a search engine that offers a variety of features, including a chat AI assistant.

Key features:

  • Ask questions: Bing.com’s chat AI allows you to ask questions and get answers in real-time. Whether you’re looking for information on a particular topic or need help with a problem, Bing’s chat AI can help.
  • Get recommendations: You can get personalized recommendations from Bing’s chat AI based on your interests and preferences. From restaurants to movies to products, Bing can help you make informed decisions.
  • Access to information: Bing’s chat AI can help you access information quickly and easily, allowing you to stay informed and up-to-date on the latest news and trends.
  • Natural language processing: Bing’s chat AI uses natural language processing to understand your questions and provide accurate and relevant answers.

Pricing: Free


Phind is a search engine that instantly answers questions with detailed explanations and relevant code snippets from the web, optimized for developers and technical questions.

Key features:

  • Instant answers: Phind provides instant answers to questions with detailed explanations and relevant code snippets from the web.
  • AI-powered: Phind is powered by large AI language models, allowing it to generate answers based on information from multiple sources.
  • Up-to-date: Unlike some other AI assistants, Phind pulls information from the internet and is always up to date.

Pricing: Free

Playground AI

Playground AI is a free-to-use online AI image creator. Use it to create art, social media posts, presentations, posters, videos, logos and more.

Key features:

  • Online AI image creator: Playground AI is an online platform that uses AI to create stunning images for a wide range of purposes.
  • Versatile: Playground AI can be used to create art, social media posts, presentations, posters, videos, logos, and more.
  • AI-powered: Playground AI uses AI to generate stunning images that are tailored to the user’s needs, making it a powerful tool for anyone looking to create high-quality visuals.

Pricing: Free


GPTGO is a prominent search engine that combines Google search technology and the intelligent response capabilities of ChatGPT for free. It is a modern search tool with many unique features.

Key features:

  • Search results combined with Free ChatGPT: In addition to search results from Google, GPTGO.AI also provides creative answers from Free ChatGPT, helping users gain a more diverse view of the information they are searching for.
  • Unlimited Free ChatGPT usage: GPTGO.AI allows users to experience Free ChatGPT without worrying about usage limits.
  • Super fast speed: GPTGO.AI ensures extremely fast search and response speeds from ChatGPT, saving users time.
  • Easy copying and downloading of content: GPTGO.AI provides convenient copy and download features for ChatGPT content, supporting users in storing and reusing information.

Pricing: Free


Chat.openai is an AI-powered conversational platform developed by OpenAI, designed to provide natural language processing and generate human-like responses.

Key features:

  • AI-powered: Chat.openai is powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning, allowing it to understand user intent and generate human-like responses.
  • Conversational: Chat.openai is designed to provide natural language processing, making it easy for users to have human-like conversations with the AI.
  • Customizable: Chat.openai can be customized to fit the needs of different organizations and industries, allowing it to be tailored to specific use cases.

Pricing: Free

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