Do you want to create engaging content for your Shopify store but you don’t have the time or skills to write from scratch? Do you want to use online sources as references but not copy duplicate content? You need an AI paraphraser tool to help you rewrite paragraphs quickly and accurately. In this article, we will introduce you to the best AI paraphrasers for Shopify and how to use them effectively.

Best AI paraphraser for Shopify


QuillBot is an online paraphrasing tool that uses AI technology to improve your writing. With two free modes and five Premium modes available, you can use QuillBot to rephrase any text in a variety of ways. The tool is designed to enhance your writing by improving your fluency and helping you choose the right words, tone, and style. All you need to do is input your text into the box, and AI will work with you to create the best paraphrase possible.

Key features:

  • CUSTOMIZATION: With QuillBot, you can customize the level of vocabulary change you want. Use the Synonym Slider to adjust the amount of changes you want in your writing. Move the slider to the left for a more accurate rephrase with fewer changes, or to the right for a more creative output with more changes.
  • ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: QuillBot uses an AI-powered thesaurus to find the best synonyms for your writing. Click on any word in the paraphrase to see a list of suggested synonyms, and then pick the perfect word or phrase to express your meaning.
  • INTEGRATIONS: QuillBot can be easily incorporated into the writing tools you already use. It integrates directly into Chrome and Microsoft Word, so you don’t have to switch windows every time you want to rephrase a sentence, paragraph, or article.



Undetectable.AI is a cutting-edge tool that allows users to convert AI-generated text into content that is virtually indistinguishable from human-generated text. It is an ideal solution for marketers, content creators, and researchers who need to create content that will not trigger spam from AI algorithms or automated content filters.

Key features:

  • Cutting-edge technology: Undetectable.AI uses the latest technology to convert AI-generated text into content that is virtually indistinguishable from human-generated text. It employs advanced algorithms and paraphrase approaches to create unique and original content.
  • Advanced AI detection model trained on 8 different AI detectors: The app’s AI detection model is trained on 8 different AI detectors, which ensures that users get likely results from multiple different detectors at once. This model makes sure that the content created by the app is completely undetectable by AI detectors.
  • Accuracy: Undetectable.AI’s AI detection remover tool is completely accurate. The app guarantees outputs that are completely humanized, and if the content is flagged, the company offers a full refund with no questions asked.
  • Ability to bypass AI detection systems: The AI detection remover tool is the most powerful and advanced tool on the market, capable of removing and bypassing AI content detection to ensure that your writing remains undetectable by AI detectors. This feature helps people avoid detection by AI content detectors and create human-like unique content every time.



WordAi uses advanced machine learning models to provide high quality rewriting that is indistinguishable from human content.

Key features:

  • Amplify Content: Fill out your content calendar, diversify your marketing copy, and supercharge your content strategy all in a fraction of the time it would take otherwise.
  • Extend Budget: More high quality content means better rankings. With WordAi, you don’t need to have an unlimited budget to create a full SEO content pipeline that will have you ranking at the top of Google.
  • Scale Business: Make your entire content production process 10x more efficient. Use AI to create more high-quality, unique content that impresses clients and engages readers, all without having to put in more hours.



Bearly makes you 10x faster by adding the state of the art AI to your workflow. Reading, writing, and content creation all one shortcut away.

Key features:

  • Thorough content summarization: With Bearly, users can drop in a variety of types of content, such as research papers, PDFs, articles, and Word docs, to get a thorough summary of the content. This feature can help users quickly understand the main points of a piece of writing and save time.
  • Advanced image generation: Bearly uses StableDiffusion and Dall-E to generate any image users can imagine. This feature can be useful for adding visuals to written content, such as blog posts or newsletters.
  • Writing support: Bearly offers writing support in several ways, including a chatbot for assistance with writing-related questions and grammar corrections. The app provides red-line corrections for text and offers a thesaurus, writing ideas, email capabilities, and more to help users beat writer’s block. Additionally, users can generate long blog posts, newsletters, or articles using Bearly and control the outline.


Paraphrase Tool

The Paraphrase Tool offers 20 modes, including a summarize tool, free grammar checker, mode to simplify text, and sentence shortener. The tool accounts for context at both the sentence and paragraph levels, making it the best paraphrasing tool in over 100 languages. The paragraph tool allows users to enter keywords and let AI generate paragraphs, and the AI is also capable of generating short stories, essays, and poems. Everything on the site is free within a 3-day trial, including the plagiarism checker that highlights areas of similarity between two texts. The tool is ideal for writers who need to rephrase and clarify their writing, and for students who want to check papers for plagiarism.

Key features:

  •  Paraphrase variations in 18 writing modes: The tool offers 18 different writing modes, including a summarize tool, free grammar checker, and sentence shortener. The AI is designed to find the best words to match your expression and generate the best paraphrases from your original writing.
  • Compose mode with keywords: The Composer mode helps users write 10x faster by enabling them to create paragraphs from keywords instantly for articles, cover letters, essays, and more than 500 other types of writing in 100+ languages. Users can focus more on their final work rather than their first draft.
  • Plagiarism checker in 50+ languages: The tool checks for plagiarism in 50+ languages, ensuring that users’ text is unique and 100% free of plagiarism. This feature helps users avoid accidentally plagiarizing and ensures the originality of their work.
  • State-of-the-art AI for paraphrasing and composing: The Paraphrase tool uses state-of-the-art AI to produce variations of users’ text in more than 100+ languages for each of the eighteen (12 free and 6 premium) styles that the tool offers, making it a more valuable and versatile tool than any other service.



LanguageTool is a multilingual spelling, style, and grammar checker that helps correct or paraphrase texts

Key features:

  • Correct Spelling: LanguageTool finds every mistake and underlines typos and misspellings in red. Spell every name, phrase, and word the write… eh, the right way!
  • Check Grammar: LanguageTool will help rid your writing of all grammar gaffes, like incorrect subject-verb-agreement, wrong plural forms, or misuse of grammatical forms.
  • Fix Punctuation: Commas and dashes and hyphens… Proper punctuation can be tricky—LanguageTool ensures you’re using them right. It can even help you form complex sentences and tell you when you’ve used too many exclamation points!
  • Confirm Casing: LanguageTool corrects incorrect casing, whether you’re writing capitalized names, months, places, or national identities.
  • Improve Style: LanguageTool helps your writing be as stylish as you are by detecting overused phrases, foreign terms, redundant words, and improper word choice. All you have to do to find the best style is look out for the blue underline.
  • Paraphrase: LanguageTool makes the right words easier to find by using artificial intelligence to rephrase your sentences to be more formal, fluent, simple or concise.



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