If you are looking for a way to create engaging and effective content for your Shopify store, you might want to consider using an AI prompts assistant. An AI prompts assistant is a tool that can generate suggestions, ideas, headlines, descriptions, and more based on your input and goals. In this article, we will review some of the best AI prompts assistants for Shopify and how they can help you boost your sales and conversions.

Best AI prompts assistant Shopify


Replicate is a powerful platform that offers easy-to-use machine learning, thousands of models, open-source projects, and automatic scaling. With its focus on simplifying machine learning and making it accessible to everyone, Replicate is a great choice for anyone looking to build products with machine learning.

Key features:

  • Open-source projects: Replicate has several open-source projects that you can use as a starting point for your own projects.
  • Cog: Replicate’s open-source tool, Cog, lets you package machine learning models in a standard, production-ready container, making it easy to build new products with machine learning.
  • Automatic scaling: Replicate scales up automatically to handle high traffic and scales down to zero when there’s no traffic, and you only pay for how long your code is running.



PromptHero is a powerful tool for generating writing prompts, offering timed writing sessions, and connecting with a community of writers. With its focus on creativity and productivity, PromptHero is a great choice for anyone looking to overcome writer’s block and improve their writing skills.

Key features:

  • Writing prompt generator: PromptHero generates unique writing prompts to help you overcome writer’s block and stimulate your creativity.
  • Customizable prompts: You can customize your writing prompts by selecting the genre, tone, and other parameters to suit your preferences.
  • Timed writing sessions: PromptHero offers timed writing sessions to help you stay focused and productive, with the option to adjust the session length and receive reminders.

Pricing: $9/mo

Open Art

Openart is an AI image generator platform that helps artists, designers, writers, marketers, and game developers unlock their creative potential and push the boundaries of what’s possible in art.

Key features:

  • Personalized AI models: Openart offers the power of personalized AI models that can be trained on your own images to generate unique and creative results.
  • Inspiration and ideas: You can find inspiration and ideas on Openart’s site, which features millions of AI-generated images that can be searched by keywords or image links.
  • Training: You can train your own AI image generator using 10-20 photos of a style, character, or person, teaching the AI what you want and ideating with your own model.
  • Creation: Openart offers over 30 different AI image generators that can bring your ideas to life, whether you want photorealistic images, artistic pictures, or anime.
  • Editing: You can edit images effortlessly using Openart’s state-of-the-art technologies, including inpainting, to transform an image with just a few clicks.

Pricing: Free

Prompt Hunt

Prompt Hunt is an AI-powered application that provides unlimited themes and templates to generate custom creative prompts.

Key features:

  • Themes & Templates – Create consistency across your creative assets using built-in themes and templates. Craft focal points and context with ease.
  • Unlimited styles – Choose from hundreds of pre-built styles for lighting, color palettes, settings and perspectives to generate unique creative prompts. Simply select the style that best matches your vision.


Keywords Everywhere

Keywords Everywhere is a browser extension for Chrome and Firefox that simplifies keyword research by showing search volume, CPC and competition data directly within Google and Bing search results.

Key features:

  • Browser add-on – Easily install the Keywords Everywhere extension onto your Chrome or Firefox browser for on-the-fly keyword data directly within search pages.
  • Comprehensive data – View monthly search volume, average CPC and competition level for keywords on Google, YouTube, Amazon, Wikipedia and other websites all from one place.
  • Long-tail keyword suggestions – Get “People Also Search For” and “Related keywords” directly from Google and Bing searches along with volume metrics to find long-tail phrases
  • Historical search trends – Leverage Google Trends data to see the monthly, weekly, daily and hourly search volume estimates for keywords since 2004.
  • Website keyword analysis – Analyze the top 5000 keywords any webpage or website ranks for in Google, along with the estimated traffic from those keywords.
  • Keyword list export – Export your keyword lists in Excel, CSV or PDF format for further keyword research or content planning.


Snack Prompt

SnackPrompt is a platform that makes creating, organizing and sharing prompts for AI easier and more efficient. SnackPrompt aims to revolutionize how people interact with AI by streamlining the prompt creation process.

Key features:

  • Collaborative features – Share prompts with teammates, partners and colleagues for seamless collaboration on AI projects.
  • AI integration – Connect prompts to cutting-edge AI models to execute tasks efficiently and accurately.
  • Prompt library – Build a personal prompt library to store, organize and re-use valuable prompts.


Prompt Genie

Prompt Genie is an AI tool that improves the quality of your prompts to get better results from AI assistants like ChatGPT.

Key features:

  • Simple prompt editing – Even first time users can easily enhance their basic prompts with Prompt Genie’s simple editor.
  • Pre-written templates – Leverage pre-written prompt templates for common tasks to fast track your prompt writing.
  • Prompt enhancement – Prompt Genie analyzes your prompt and recommends specific improvements to increase relevance, reduce bias and avoid filter issues.
  • Synonym suggestion – Automatic synonym recommendation helps broaden and diversify your prompts for more comprehensive outputs.
  • AI assistance – ChatGPT and other AI models provide ideas and sample prompts to inspire and improve your own prompts.

Pricing:$3.99 / month


PromptoMANIA is an AI art community with an online prompt builder that helps users become masters of various diffusion models, including CF Spark, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, DALL-E 2, Disco Diffusion, WOMBO Dream, and more.

Key features:

  • Human-friendly prompt builder: The prompt builder is user-friendly and helps users generate prompts for various diffusion models, which can be shared on social media.
  • Stable Diffusion support: promptoMANIA supports Stability.ai’s Stable Diffusion, which is among the best diffusion models available, and allows users to harness its power using their SD prompt builder.
  • Grid splitter tool: If users get an image containing four smaller ones from their diffusion model, the grid splitter tool can separate the index image into individual pictures that can be saved.
  • AI art community: promptoMANIA is an online community of AI art enthusiasts who share their work, exchange ideas, and collaborate on projects.

Pricing: Free

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